The first piece is composed of three cardboard boxes that are sitting on a black, lacquered Japanese shelf. Each box is wrapped in fabric. The interior of a dried prickly pear has been spray painted black and wrapped around the shapes.

Composed of three cardboard boxes that are sitting on a black, lacquered Japanese shelf. Each box is wrapped in fabric. The interior of a dried prickly pear has been spray painted black and wrapped around the shapes.

This piece was created by using the cardboard inserts that are inside of a wine box. The inserts have been decorated with fabric, water pastels, and various paper materials.

Using cardboard inserts that are found inside of a wine box. The inserts have been decorated with fabric, water pastels, and paper materials.

This work is on a flattened box. The three main structures, orange and white, yellow, and blue, are cardboard box inserts. The vertical piece that is white, yellow, and black is a piece of dry wall. These parts have all been painted with water pastels and acrylic paint. The shelf that holds two of the box inserts is a piece of wood.

This work is on a flattened box. The three main structures, orange and white, yellow, and blue, are cardboard box inserts. The vertical piece that is white, yellow, and black is a piece of dry wall. These parts have all been painted with water pastels and acrylic paint. The shelf that holds two of the box inserts is a piece of wood.

These works are painted and reshaped packaging inserts. They are shaped like dogs.

These works are painted and reshaped packaging inserts - bow wow!

This picture contains two works. The piece of the left is a cloth covered canvas with kite paper from Germany and an open umbrella. The piece on the right is a box covered in a Japanese fabric with a hexagon design. The black and white patterned cloth below it is from Thailand. A shade of yellow fabric was originally used to tie the inside of a package together. There is a piece of metal hanging down with a bead and flower design.

This picture contains two works. The piece of the left is a cloth covered canvas with kite paper from Germany and an open umbrella.

The piece on the right is a box covered in a Japanese fabric with a hexagon design. The black and white patterned cloth below it is from Thailand. A shade of yellow fabric was originally used to tie the inside of a package together. There is a piece of metal hanging down with a bead and flower design.

This work is Japanese indigo fabric that is attached to a canvas. On the left are detached umbrella spokes. The right corner contains a folded, blue and orange ribbon that is attached with a bungie cord.

Japanese indigo fabric is attached to a canvas. On the left are detached umbrella spokes. The right corner contains a folded, blue and orange ribbon that is attached with a bungie cord.

This collage is attached to a book cover. The materials are cloth, paper, and ribbon.

This collage is attached to a book cover. The materials are cloth, paper, and ribbon.

These pieces are packing material attached to canvases. Both are painted, with the right one having gold, lamé fabric.

These pieces are packing material attached to canvases. Both are painted, with the right one having gold, lamé fabric.

From bottom to top: This tower has Japanese lacquerware as the base. A ribbon spool is beneath a transparent, plastic bowl. Inside the bowel, a camel strap is inserted. Above the bowl is a Uzbek blue and white collar and a piece of mola. The white structure is packing material.

From bottom to top:

This tower has Japanese lacquerware as the base. A ribbon spool is beneath a transparent, plastic bowl. Inside the bowel, a camel strap is inserted. Above the bowl is a Uzbek blue and white collar and a piece of mola. The white structure is packing material.

The orange fabric is a woven Japanese textile. The block of navy blue is paper. The attached flower was made by twisting a scarf.

The orange fabric is a woven Japanese textile. The block of navy blue is paper. The attached flower was made by twisting a scarf.

This structure was made with opened, wooden iron boxes from Mexico. The flat, metal object would be used to hold a hot iron. These are attached to two metal tomato cages.

This structure was made with opened, wooden iron boxes from Mexico. The flat, metal object would be used to hold a hot iron. These are attached to two metal tomato cages.


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